Sometime last Year I was given an opportunity by Joico to direct a shoot, to
venture into new areas and work behind the cameras. To be the one creating/planning instead of fronting the camera. I find it really refreshing and fun at the same time tiring as well. There are many things that I have learnt through this journey. The team and I met for many sessions to discuss and I'd say the most difficult part is to coordinate everyone's schedule.
There are no restrictions in terms of visual directions so it is entirely up to me to decide. It very fluid but I have to create a direction for myself in order to come up with a concept. I struggled for a while because there are no guidelines for me to follow but I managed to come up with a concept that I feel closely relates to many individuals out there, Mellow Eccentric!

To me Eccentric can be perceived in different ways, but it somehow tends to have a negative
connotation. When describing some one as eccentric, people will associate it with
being weird, strange or even madness. However to me, these "eccentric“ people are perfect
individuals who behave in the most honest way. They are real and do not try to be
someone they are not, just to fit in. I believe that within every human, there is a part of
eccentric-ness that they mellow to avoid judgement or misunderstandings.
For the Joico #MellowEccentric collection, I wanted to create hair looks that expresses
each individuals' inner eccentric. Though you may hide your eccentric verbally or
physically, you can always express your eccentric visually through eccentric hair

There are a whole spectrum of colours from Joico's range.
I wanted colours that are subtly bold (oxymoron much!)
The 3 main colours I have chosen derived from Earth's elements.
1. Green
2. Blue
3. Violet

Here's some photos of our BTS and a new Video on my youtube Chanel produced by Joico!
It was a fun filled journey with Joico to create these looks! And to encourage all of you out there who bury your eccentric side, be it fear of prejudice or being judge, Team Joico and I would like to give 4 lucky pair of winners, a chance to set yourself free with a full Mellow Eccentric colour service worth up to $150!
To participate head over to my IG account @valerie_wang
1) Follow @joicosg, @fullhousesalon and @actpoint_salon
2) Like & comment which color (green, blue, violet) would suit your inner eccentric
3) Tag your friend whom you’ll like to bring along
Winners will be picked by myself on a random basis.
#JoicoSG #MellowEccentric