I have always believed that every individual is unique. We may have different beliefs and perceive things differently, at times we may agree or disagree but that does not have to turn into a judgement of right or wrong. Only from others we learn to compromise, thanks for teaching me patience.
Over the past few weeks, there has been a sudden outpour of hates on my Instagram. I have been silent but that does not equate to agreeing. The decision to not engage is simply logical. The senselessness and viciousness in this series of comments on my Instagram is to destroy peace and create chaos. It did not portray a perspective from an unbiased point of view. The accusations made were incoherent and spells hatred. The attempt to wreck my space did not appease the hateful souls. Provocative strategies are used to involve all possible individuals to spark further destruction.
These platforms are my oasis; a home I've created and shared with
likeminded folks who appreciate my work. I see this as a canvas to continue with my creative work. It may not be a painting or a piece of drawing but the idea is the same, to create aesthetics. My works may not appeal to all and that is fine because again, it boils down to personal perspective and preference.
For someone to barge into your home and demand that you change your ways and even lay down instructions as to how you should lead your life or portray yourself, simply because it wasn't to their liking is nothing but insanity.