Art, as we know, is an expression or application of human creative skills and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
But as time passes, art no longer conforms to just a painting or a sculpture. It comes in all forms and all ways, and is thus known as contemporary.

In Singapore, the exposure to the Art world, though not as developed as other art hubs, it is growing! This year, Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA) is being brought back to Singapore organized by Arts House Ltd and it will be preceded by a pre-festival of ideas called The O.P.E.N.
The O.P.E.N. stands for Open, Participate, Engage and Negotiate, which encapsulates what The O.P.E.N is trying to achieve with the audiences. You can see it in a way that this is a trailer for SIFA.
I think it is a great way to start a festival as often, art events get launched without any interludes and it causes the audience to have absolutely no idea what it is about. The O.P.E.N. explores the topic of POST-Empires and what lies beyond, when the powers that control us decline. We all react to different sources of sounds and visuals, hence The O.P.E.N. is reaching out to the audience with 5 different platforms: exhibitions, performances, concerts, talks and films.
Having the privilege to peek into The O.P.E.N.’s events calendar, I’m pretty hyped up and there are a few “must attend” items that I am so looking forward to!
Lu G u a n g E x h i b i t i o n
“The Price of Neglect”
World renowned photographer, Lu Guang. His powerful, wrenching works of photography confronts us with the compelling and terrifying truth about the astronomical human and environment costs of China’s rapid industrialization.
The twisted beauty of tortured landscapes to intimate portraits of ordinary folk, suffering from the worst effects of industrial pollution.
Lu’s beautifully composed and intensely coloured photographs weave a dramatic narrative.
Looking at a still image through a screen does not provide the same intensity as compared to viewing it live. It sometimes evokes unexpected emotions. And that is why I would always prefer to see Art in its true physical form.
Opens 16 June 7pm - 10pm
17 June through 4 July
Tue - Sat: 12 noon - 7pm Sun: 12 noon - 5pm Mon: Closed
Free admission with T he O.P.E.N pass
D a n c e M a r a t h o n
“Open with a Punk Spirit!”
Reflections on Contemporary Dance and Archives
A thrilling 16 days festival within Singapore International Festival of Arts 2015.
A unique feature of this festival is the creation by seven renowned contemporary Japanese dance-makers of an archive box - a collection of the key elements that went into the choreography of their individual dances.
Seven creators of New Dance in Asia Pacific
will then craft presentations in response to these archive boxes.
These seven dance-makers from Asia Pacific will also present their own works, inspired by the contents of these ordinary yet mysterious boxes. So there will be 21 dance performances in total – a mini dance festival within a festival!
The Dance Marathon will be taking place in the actual event of SIFA but just to prep you dance fanatics out there, there will be a talk by two dance experts, giving you a clearer idea and concept of what you can expect, in The O.P.E.N.
29 June: Muto Daisuke
30 June: Nanako Nakajima
29 June: Muto Daisuke
30 June: Nanako Nakajima
Free admission with O.P.E.N. Pass.
Limited single entry tickets available at the door.
B i o m a s h u p
“An energetic tale of movement”
Choreographed by Christian Duarte, this mesmerizing work draws on the idea of a “mash up”- a new creation that exists only by bringing together elements and ideas of the past.
It experiments with bodies as algorithms that organize movement; the performers delve into personal histories of dance, and even explore the possibility of passing on their knowledge of movement to the audience.
The dancers move in unison to a remarkable soundtrack composed and performed live by Tom Monteiro on the theremin - one of the first electronic instruments ever invented, and probably the only instrument that can be played without physical contact.
I honestly do not know much about dance but have always been charmed by the flux and the movement dancers create with their body. “Biomashup” draws my attention because I’m so excited to see Tom Monteiro on the theremin and how the dancers work it!
19, 20 June 8pm
20 June 3pm
20 June 3pm
1h30, no intermission
tickets are at $35, sold separately
10% discount for students, NSF and Seniors aged 55 and above.
1 5 S t a t i o n s
15 Stations is an interactive piece that involves both the Artist and the Audience. We live in a world dominated by technology; our lives can barely be without it. As art, most of the time reflects life, how can technology not be involved?
15 stations, The O.P.E.N. Augmented Reality Memory Tour Project, written by Christopher Fok and with the participation of Nanyang Technological University students, is a performance in the present time and space, where you are the only performer wandering through fact and fantasy.
Created as a downloadable app, and viewed only through smart phones, this Augmented Reality offers three unique, carefully curated perspectives or routes- Reflect, Connect and Imagine - on the iconic and much-loved Tanjong Pagar Railway Station.
Opens 17 June 7pm - 10pm
18 June through 4 July
Tue - Sat: 12 noon - 10pm Sun: 12pm to 6pm
(last entry at 8pm)
Tue - Sat: 12 noon - 10pm Sun: 12pm to 6pm
(last entry at 8pm)
Mon: Closed
Tanjong Pagar Railway Station
Tanjong Pagar Railway Station
Free admission with O.P.E.N pass
The O.P.E.N. will be running from 16th june- 4th July 2015
With a $45 O.P.E.N pass you will get access to all concerts, films, salons and exhibitions! Special discount rates are available for bundle purchases and O.P.E.N. concession passes. And you also get a discount for SIFA tickets when you have purchased the O.P.E.N. pass.
**Before you go, I have a piece of great news for you Art lovers! I'll be holding a contest for THE O.P.E.N pass! Giving away only one pair! Simple drop me a mail at contact@valerie-wang.com with the title "HAIL ART" and complete the sentence, HAIL ART because______________. THAT SIMPLE! GOOD LUCK! And I hope to see you at THE O.P.E.N !!!
**Before you go, I have a piece of great news for you Art lovers! I'll be holding a contest for THE O.P.E.N pass! Giving away only one pair! Simple drop me a mail at contact@valerie-wang.com with the title "HAIL ART" and complete the sentence, HAIL ART because______________. THAT SIMPLE! GOOD LUCK! And I hope to see you at THE O.P.E.N !!!
More information (below)
SISTIC (to purchase tickets)